Monday, 9 May 2011

Dentist. x

Today I went to the dentist. All 5 of us !! :  )
It was fun. My dentist scraped my teeth a bit : / But it was a good checkup !?

Only 5 weeks till I get my braces off :)
Uuuber excited.

Off to go finish learning for my french aural at 22:30pm
Things I do to myself to ensure I don't fail 'eh ?
* sigh *

Peace and muahs and beddybyes . x ♥

P.S : Oh and I forgot to tell you. Several weeks ago I got my results from my science and maths exam.
I got a B in MATHS !!!!!!
I got A- Biology
        B - Chemistry
        A - Physics ( note * last year I got a D and so have to retake soon ) 

Sunday, 8 May 2011

So, something bad has happened and I don't really wanna write it here.

Basically, all I wanna say is . . . it's okay to cry sometimes.
When, the people you love and care about are taken away from you - it's okay to cry.
Most importantly you must pray.
Because, prayer is a powerful thing and God can work miracles for you and them.

While you are suffering and trying to stop your tears falling there is always someone worse off than you.
Infact, all I have to do is think of how my friend must feel and just be STRONG FOR their sake if not mine.

Whilst it's okay to cry, it's not gonna solve anything. That's why we must take it to the Lord in Prayer.

So PLEASE, stay strong for those you love. They'll appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
Peace and muahs. x ♥

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Managing Life . . .

When life gets crazy busy sometimes you just need to remember . . .

When I call on Jesus all things are possible.

Just a lil' reminder for all you struggling out there . x

Peace and muahs.
Love you . x ♥