Sunday, 22 September 2013

2 Years Later ...

Hey Everyone ! 

It's been such a long time !! Two whole years... Looking back on my posts I honestly cringe. 
Anyways, a lot has happened; I'm no longer fourteen ... obviously -_-
I'm seventeen in my final year of college / Sixth form (alas).
I was baptised May 26th 2012 and I survived the worst year of my life thus far. I can honestly say that I am happy and confident in myself and who I am now and God has been extremely good. 

Moving on, I've realised I've missed blogging and just generally writing and so I should be back with some more posts and videos! 

If you have any particular posts you'd like to see or topics you'd like me to talk about then just leave a comment below, otherwise I hope you enjoy reading some of my thoughts and advice.

Much love, 

Rocky. x