Sunday, 8 December 2013

Being Comfortable Within Yourself

It's hard.

I'm not going to try and beat around the bush. Becoming comfortable with who you are in ALL aspects is incredibly difficult, and I won't make out like it's an easy journey. Of course, there are those people who just seem to have been born comfortable and don't feel any way about anything because they accept and love themselves; To those people I give kudos as they are very privileged and blessed to feel that way. 
However, this isn't the case for the majority of people. Even though people may appear comfortable within themselves, it may not necessarily be so, whether they are specifically aware of it themselves or not. Regardless of whether it's on the surface or buried deep down, most people have at least one thing that they aren't happy with, in regards to themselves, and that they would like to change. It's sad and quite difficult to admit but it's true.
Personally, it's been a long road. Having been bullied in primary school because of my appearance, been initially disliked for my attitude and persona in high school, consistently having had my problems, my flaws, my faults, my wrong-doings and short-comings, my issues, blatantly rubbed in my face all. the. time. I mean, it took its toll. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't care about what other people think of me. I don't really care if people think I'm ugly/unattractive or dress weird. I do care if they dislike me as a person but appearance-wise, no. That's one thing I'd definitely say is true, but I do care, as everyone does, about what I think of myself. It's sad to be able to say that you dislike yourself or that you hate yourself. I've been there. There was a time when I hated myself. I couldn't bare to look at myself in the mirror because it made me feel physically sick. I thought I was ugly, not good enough, too skinny, too short, lips too big, nose too strange-looking, eyes too big, forehead too wide, ears too 'pixie-like'. Of course, to everyone around me I think I seem like a confident person, who's sure, collected and just all there but, really?  I've been to hell and back with a mild eating disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm and image issues. I've had a hard time fitting in and finding myself. Realising what's important and learning to love myself has been a hard road, and it's continuous. I'm still on it. There are still some aspects where I think if only I looked like this or that but I realised that you know what... It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, appearances won't last forever. It's the heart that honestly counts. The Bible says that 'Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.' It's what matters ! 

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